AI Design Sprint™: Process Automation

Identify processes to be automated with AI and develop AI solution concepts as a team

  • For Business and IT consultants

  • For in-house transformation teams

The tool for starting AI projects with non-technical clients or your in-house team

The client might be the head of a department or the head of a business unit. Wondering about whether or where to apply AI. Or it’s the in-house team that needs to collaborate with non-technical decision-makers in the different units.

Basically, the AI Design Sprint™: Process Automation is the tool to start AI projects. The focus is on improving work processes with AI.

The module “Process Automation” in a timeline. You can come in at any time. You could start directly with “Process Automation” if the goal is to improve work processes with AI. After the team develops the AI solution concept, a “Tech Check” follows, leading to a technical “Prototype”.


Two possible scenarios:

Your client is the head of a department curious about how they could take advantage of AI in their department. In the Framing session, the client identifies where it’s most valuable to apply AI.

The other scenario goes for in-house teams. In many instances, AI projects are nearly started by accident, by some looking at work processes with a few AI use cases in mind. A systematic approach is needed! All work processes and all AI capabilities should be considered. The Framing session provides a systematic approach for a team to identify the next AI project.

Concept Development

The starting point is the mapped-out process. Participants are the entire client team. The team develops holistic automation solution concepts for the identified process. They visualize the remodeled process and check it ethically.


The same team that developed the AI solution assesses its technical feasibility, value for the employee, and value for the business.

“Anything that is a process can be run by an AI with today’s technology.”

— Hans-Christian Boos, Algorithm Researcher, Founder and CEO, Arago

The phases

Phase 1: Framing session. This is a half-day session designed to identify the processes to be automated. The starting point is the mapped-out department or cross-departmental large process.

The team identifies where it’s most valuable to apply AI – where to start.

Phase 2: Concept Development session. A half-day session for developing the AI concept. The starting point is the mapped-out current work process.

The team identifies and prioritizes pain points and areas where much value is created.

Phase 3: AI technology. Using our AI Cards, the team develops AI concepts for each process step and sets anchor points.

Phase 5: Ethical check. The team checks their developed AI concept ethically using our AI Ethics Cards.

Phase 4: Solution. The team remodels the process and further defines what the AI does in the solution.

Phase 6: Assessment session. A half-day session for the team to assess their AI solution concept.

The team assesses their AI solution from the technical perspective by identifying data sources, it’s quality, and the data owners.

Phase 8: The team builds the business case by assessing the value of the AI solution for the business.

Phase 7: The team assesses the value of the AI solution for the employee.

Shoot us an email and we’ll send you slots for the training. We then send you the invitation PDF, contract, and invoice. That simple.


  • Decision-makers, department heads, and cross-functional team members, present users, future users, people affected by the AI solution concept.

    • Prioritization of the largest automatization potentials of your processes

    • AI concept for a process developed, ethically checked, and technically assessed

    • Buy-in of employees for AI concepts through direct involvement in the concept development

    • Informed decisions through cross-departmental involvement

    • In the end, increase in efficiency, quality, and employee satisfaction through intelligent, automated, newly developed processes

  • The AI Design Sprint™: Process Automation consists of Framing, Concept Development, and Assessment.

    It leads to a technical feasibility check, outcome presentation, and an implementation roadmap by an AI expert.

    • Duration: one half-day for Framing, two half-days for Concept Development, and Assessment

    • Outcome: partly or fully automated work process solution concepts

    • For: decision-makers and users in a department

    • How: Interactive session, highly structured, and participants are tightly guided step by step. Remotely or in-person

2-Day Company Team Training

  • The training is for company teams of 2-8 people

  • Training duration is 2 days

  • In the training, participants are given the opportunity to switch to the facilitator role as soon as possible

  • You get access to all the necessary materials through our learning management system, enabling you to lead AI Design Sprints™: Process Automation remotely or onsite

  • After the training, we are within reach, and we make sure your first client Process Automation session is a success

  • The outcome: you are a certified Facilitator AI Design Sprint™: Process Automation

In short

    • The training is remote. For larger groups, we also offer in-person training

    • Led by two facilitators in English or German

    • During the training, we will use Miro and Zoom, or another video chat platform of your preference

    • On the first day, you will experience the AI Design Sprint™: Process Automation in the role of participant, on the second day you will change roles to that of the facilitator

    • Our training follows a hands-on approach to learning

    • Brace yourself for a fast-paced, high-energy, and fun training

    • Physical starter kit – trainees will receive the physical starter kit with AI Cards and the Post-it set beforehand

    • Digital material – through our learning management system, you receive access to all the digital material, like the Miro board, presenter slides, and preparation template, supported with videos to recap what has been learned during the training

    • Certificate – get the ability and confidence to run sessions yourself. And a certificate to prove it

    • Ongoing Learning & Consulting for the following year – we’re within reach and we're here to make sure your first client session is a success

    • Update in the following year – as AI is constantly progressing, we'll keep you up to date with our latest material

  • Our Company Team Training is based on the subscription model. It starts with 2-day training for a team of 2-8 people, incl. Ongoing Learning & Consulting for one year, we charge 6.000€. In year two the annual fee is 2.000€.

    For 100 people to be trained, the fee is 50.000€. In year two the fee is 10.000€.

    For larger teams to be trained, price on request.

  • When you agree to the training, we set up the training date and send the agreement and invoice. That simple.

  • We offer a free 90-min Experience Session with you and your colleagues. It’s an interactive session where you experience a part of the AI Design Sprint™: Process Automation.

  • If you got questions, give Michael a shout.

Shoot us an email and we’ll send you slots for the training. We then send you the invitation PDF, contract, and invoice. That simple.